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Effective police interviewing / by Michael Logue.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ( pages) :


Ph.D. Brock University 2017.


“Suspect interviewing is a vital tool for law enforcement agencies. However, a large body of empirical literature has demonstrated that many popular interviewing techniques limit the amount of information gleaned and demonstrate chance levels of deception detection accuracy under strict experimental control. Research highlighting information gathering interviews that induce cognitive load and language-based deception detection techniques have demonstrated promise. The series of studies presented here provide evidence that the application of Reality Monitoring (RM) to statements elicited by a modified version of the Cognitive Interview for Suspects (CIS) provides an effective method of suspect interviewing that improves deception detection accuracy in comparison to levels previously reported in the literature.”—Page ii.


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