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Community and the recognition of the other : a Levinasian examination of the city, Inc. 1987-1992 / Nicholas Saray.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (202 pages)


M.A. Brock University 2015.


"I originally approached this work with an aim to assess five key programs that would encapsulate five core categories of gang and violence reduction strategies: prevention (opportunity provision), intervention (youth outreach/street work), suppression (deterrence), comprehensive (community specific), and legislative (anti-gang bills and injunctions). This original approach could be described as something of a descriptive or historical account about how this typology of gang and violence reduction programming developed and how the discourse and depiction of community shifted during this period. Recognizing that this original approach was perhaps a little too ambitious for current purposes, I have restructured my thesis to instead focus on a single case study that permits more of an intensive overview about how organizational and situational contexts impacted discourses about crime, community, and gangs for The City and in the city of Minneapolis during the 1980s and 1990s."--Page 12.


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