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Predictive validity of the dynamic risk assessment for offender re-entry among intimate partner violence offenders / by Bronwen Perley-Robertson.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (x, 167 pages)


M.A. Carleton University [2018]


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is among the most common acts of violence against women worldwide, making it a major global threat to women's health and safety. The assessment and management of IPV offenders are therefore vital tasks in criminal justice systems. The current study examined whether the DRAOR, a case management tool, predicted repeat partner abuse among 112 male IPV offenders in Iowa, U.S. While the DRAOR did not predict IPV recidivism, it appears to be useful for informing case management decisions among partner-violent men. Risk factors that emerged as important treatment targets were poor attachment with others, substance abuse, anger/hostility, opportunity/access to victims, problematic interpersonal relationships, and overall acute risk. Further research is needed to improve the utility of the DRAOR for predicting IPV recidivism, but this study tentatively supports the use of the DRAOR for supervising IPV offenders until an IPV-specific case management tool is developed.


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