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National child protection inspections : Gloucestershire constabulary.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Gloucestershire - National child protection inspection



  • [London, England] : HMIC, 2017.


1 online resource (54 pages)


"Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) is inspecting the child protection work of every police force in England and Wales. The reports are intended to provide information for the police, the police and crime commissioner (PCC) and the public on how well children are protected and their needs are met, and to secure improvements for the future."--Page 2.


"Gloucestershire Constabulary is committed to protecting children. During the inspection, HMIC encountered officers and staff throughout Gloucestershire Constabulary who are dedicated and work extremely hard to protect children. However, inspectors found that there are a number of areas which require significant improvement in order to ensure that the constabulary is adequately protecting vulnerable children. Child protection is a stated priority for the constabulary. This is positive - but it is only one of many. Officers and staff also reported that they are unsure of how to translate this priority into action and decision-making on the front line. HMIC considers that this weakens Gloucestershire Constabulary’s ability to safeguard children effectively and consistently. This is supported by HMIC’s audit of case files: inspectors examined a total of 89 cases, of which 14 were ‘good’, and 75 either ‘required improvement’ or ‘inadequate’."--Page 4.


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