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In God we trust, all others bring data / by Jeremiah Johnson.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Notes from the field : evidence-based practice : in God we trust, others bring data
Notes from the field on evidence-based practice : in God we trust, others bring data



1 online resource (12 pages)


"Notes From the Field is not a research-based publication. Instead, it presents lessons learned by law enforcement executives and other on-the-ground leaders, from years of experience and thinking deeply about law enforcement issues."
Author(s) affiliated with: Darien Police Department, Connecticut.


"My daily newsfeed is filled with reminders that the challenges of 21st century policing are multifaceted and complex. Perhaps the only thing that outnumbers the issues facing our field are the various actors in the external environment who wish to influence the direction that policing will take. Politicians draft legislative solutions, community activists propose reforms, various branches of government look to systems of oversight, and there is no shortage of vendors eager to sell agencies on the latest piece of technology or software that will solve whatever problem ails them. There is nothing inherently wrong with these external forces. In fact, most represent well-intended people who share the same end goal as we do: to enhance policing."--Page 1.


Accès en ligne


Notes from the field series (National Institute of Justice)

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