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Embedding learning and assessment within police practice : the opportunities and challenges arising from the introduction of the PEQF in England and Wales / Dominic A. Wood.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

PEQF : challenges and implications
Policing : opinion




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ( pages)


Author(s) affiliated with: School of Law, Criminal Justice and Computing, Canterbury Christ Church University.
Online ISSN 1752-4520.


This article reflects upon the development of the Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) in England and Wales and considers the implications it will have for policing degrees. Given the topic, the article is primarily forward-looking, but it draws upon the experiences of having worked closely with police for over 20 years in designing bespoke policing degree programmes. It is offered as an opinion piece. The PEQF represents a significant step change in the development of police training and education. In particular, it places tertiary education at the centre of all aspects of learning within the police organization. The article welcomes the PEQF as a significant opportunity to develop our understanding of police practice. In particular, it provides an impetus to explore ways of embedding learning and assessment within operational police practice. However, this will require both investment and a substantial change programme to ensure that police services have the appropriate infrastructure to support tertiary levels of learning and assessment. It will also require a cultural shift within both universities and police organizations. Most importantly, if the PEQF is to fulfil its potential, police services will need to embrace, promote, and enable reflective practitioners and become reflective practices in the fullest sense.


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Policing : a journal of policy and practice

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