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The effects of focused meditation on memory and suggestibility in an interrogative design / by Mercedes Miller.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Focused meditation




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (39 pages)


M.A. Western University 2018.


Eyewitness reports can be important evidence in police investigations, therefore obtaining accurate and detailed reports is essential. Hypnosis has been used as a technique to obtain more information from these reports, but has been found to be problematic. Research in the area of hypnosis and other similar techniques has lead to using focused meditation as a tool to obtain more detailed and accurate eyewitness reports. Thus far, it has been found to facilitate memory and decrease suggestibility without the risks associated with hypnosis. This study explored the possible underlying mechanisms of focused meditation to see if relaxation could independently account for these effects, or if there is something unique about focused meditation. This study also explored the benefits and risks associated with using focused meditation as an interrogative tool. Measures of memory and suggestibility were compared between groups that received focused meditation, relaxation or control. No significant main effects or interactions were found, thus not finding any benefits associated with using FM in an interrogative setting, but also not finding any risks.


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