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"Cornwall Public Inquiry (Ont.)"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Executive summary. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Executive summary. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Final submissions on behalf of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services / Joseph A. Neuberger, David Rose, Claude Rouleau. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
A historical review of the evolution of police practices, policies and training regarding child sexual abuse / prepared by Joseph P. Hornick, and Chelsey Morrice. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Policies and practices of child welfare agencies in response to complaints of child sexual abuse 1960–2006 : a report to the Cornwall Public Inquiry : final report / Carol A. Stalker, Amanda Topham, Maxine Barbour, Natalie Forde. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Submissions on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General / Leslie McIntosh, Darrell Kloeze, Stephen Scharbach, Judie Im, Christopher P. Thompson. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
A survey of policies and practices in respect to responses by religious institutions to complaints of child sexual abuse and complaints by adults of historical child sexual abuse 1960-2006 / chief author, Tracy Trothen. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
A survey of policies and practices of government agencies involved in the administration of youth justice and custodial care with respect to complaints of child sexual abuse and complaints by adults of historical child sexual abuse who were provided with government services, whether by employees of the government or by volunteers / by Simon N. Verdun-Jones, Carla McLean, Valerie H. Gregory, & Lauren Freedman. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
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