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"Hendrix, Josh"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Exploring racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Durham police department / by Travis Taniguchi, Josh Hendrix, Brian Aagaard, Kevin Strom, Alison Levin-Rector, Stephanie Zimmer. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Fayetteville Police Department : report / prepared by Travis Taniguchi, Josh Hendrix, Brian Aagaard, Kevin Strom, Alison Levin-Rector, Stephanie Zimmer. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Greensboro police department / Travis Taniguchi, Josh Hendrix, Bryan Aagaard, Kevin Storm, Alison Levin-Rector, Stephanie Zimmer. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
A test of racial disproportionality in traffic stops conducted by the Raleigh Police Department : report / prepared by Travis Taniguchi, Josh Hendrix, Brian Aagaard, Kevin Strom, Alison Levin-Rector, Stephanie Zimmer. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
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