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"Kanter, Daniel"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Gang violence : the police role in developing community-wide solutions / edited by Dan Kanter and Craig Fischer. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
A guide to occupational health and safety for law enforcement executives / Elizabeth Lang Sanberg, Corina Solé Brito, Andrea Morrozoff Luna, Shannon M. McFadden ; edited by Craig Fischer and Daniel Kanter. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
Guns and crime : breaking new ground by focusing on the local impact / edited by Dan Kanter and Craig Fischer. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
Law enforcement preparedness for public health emergencies : an executive summary of the resources series / edited by Shannon M. McFadden and Daniel Kanter. Livres électroniques CCRP
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