Résultats de recherche du catalogue de la bibliothèque

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Critères de recherche


"Loughborough University"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Modelling the implementation and acceptance of the Police National Database in UK police forces / by Tessa Lambri. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
Community policing and young people : a critical insight into young people's perceptions in Leicester / by Erkan Pala. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
Improving police efficiency to meet demand issues / O. S. S. T. Edlestone. Livres électroniques 2010 CCRP
A discursive analysis of police interviews with suspected paedophiles : the implications of 'open' and 'closed' interviewing for admission and denial / by Kelly Benneworth. Livres électroniques 2004 CCRP
The origins and impact of the function of crime investigation and detection in the British Police Service / by Lawrence Thornton Roach. Livres électroniques 2004 CCRP
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