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"Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Policing the right to protest : G20 systematic review report / Gerry McNeilly. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
Executive summary. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
A historical review of the evolution of police practices, policies and training regarding child sexual abuse / prepared by Joseph P. Hornick, and Chelsey Morrice. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Policies and practices of child welfare agencies in response to complaints of child sexual abuse 1960–2006 : a report to the Cornwall Public Inquiry : final report / Carol A. Stalker, Amanda Topham, Maxine Barbour, Natalie Forde. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Submissions on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General / Leslie McIntosh, Darrell Kloeze, Stephen Scharbach, Judie Im, Christopher P. Thompson. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
A survey of policies and practices in respect to responses by religious institutions to complaints of child sexual abuse and complaints by adults of historical child sexual abuse 1960-2006 / chief author, Tracy Trothen. Livres électroniques 2008 CCRP
Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry [electronic resource] / the Honourable Sidney B. Linden, Commissioner. Livres électroniques 2007 CCRP
Aboriginal initiatives, building respectful relationships / Ontario Provincial Police. Livres électroniques 2006 CCRP
Aboriginal initiatives, building respectful relationships. Livres électroniques 2006 CCRP
Aboriginal officers : outreach and inreach. Livres électroniques 2006 CCRP
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