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"Toronto (Ont.). Police Service"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
2015 operating budget program breakdown / Toronto Police Service. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
Evaluation of the Human Rights Project Charter. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
Police encounters with people in crisis / an independent review conducted by the Honourable Frank Iacobucci for Chief of Police William Blair, Toronto Police Service. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
Toronto Police Service multi-year accessibility plan 2014-2021. Livres électroniques 2014 CCRP
2014 operating budget program breakdown / Toronto Police Service. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
The police and community engagement review (the PACER report) : phase II - internal report and recommendations. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
The police and community engagement review report. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
Toronto police response to emotionally disturbed persons 2013. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
Toronto Police Service organizational structure review : final report. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
G20 Summit, Toronto, Ontario, June 2010 : Toronto Police Service after-action review. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
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