Résultats de recherche du catalogue de la bibliothèque

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"United States. Police Foundation"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Responding to persons with mental illness and/or emotional distress : an evaluation of the Prince William County Police Department Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program / Frank Straub, Melissa Reuland, Blake Norton, Ben Gorban. Livres électroniques 2018 CCRP
Reducing violent crime in American cities : an opportunity to lead. Livres électroniques 2017 CCRP
A review of the Baltimore police department's use of persistent surveillance : Baltimore community support program. Livres électroniques 2017 CCRP
Engaging communities one step at a time : policing's tradition of foot patrol as an innovative community engagement strategy / Brett M. Cowell, Anne L. Kringen. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
The Wilmington Public Safety Strategies Commission : final report, March 31, 2015. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
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