Résultats de recherche du catalogue de la bibliothèque

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Critères de recherche


"Walden University. College of social and behavioral sciences"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
The Ferguson effect on police officers' culture and perceptions in local police departments / Rarkimm K. Fields. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
The impact of critical incident team training on arrest and diversion rates / Richard Wayne Foss. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Impact of stress inoculating training on police in aftermath of critical incidents / by Russell S. Ford. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Influence of implicit-bias training on the cultural competency of police officers / by Marvin Whitfield. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Perceptions of homeland security policing in an urban Midwestern community / by Sukeena Stephens. Livres électroniques 2019 CCRP
Examining alignment between Canadian municipal police performance evaluation policies and officer perceptions / by Birdella Lorraine Wilson. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
Technology distractions on patrol : giving police officers a voice / by Andrew D. Dasher. Livres électroniques 2016 CCRP
Community-oriented policing and crime rates and crime clearance rates in North Carolina / Elizabeth Wrenn Johnson. Livres électroniques CCRP
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