Résultats de recherche du catalogue de la bibliothèque

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Critères de recherche


"London School of Economics and Political Science"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Fighting crime : can the police do more with less? / Brian Bell. Livres électroniques 2015 CCRP
The influence of intelligence-led policing models on investigative policy and practice in mainstream policing 1993-2007 : division, resistance and investigative orthodoxy / Adrian James. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
The role of mass media and police communication in trust in the police : new approaches to the analysis of survey and media data / Katrin Hohl. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
Watching the cops : a case study of production processes on television police drama 'The Bill' / Marianne Colbran. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
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