Résultats de recherche du catalogue de la bibliothèque

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"University of the Fraser Valley, Centre for Public Safety & Criminal Justice Research"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
The nature and extent of marihuana growing operations in Mission British Columbia : a 14 year review (1997-2010) / Darryl Plecas, Kristen Chaisson, Len Garis, & Andrew Snow. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
The nature and extent of marihuana growing operations in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia : a 14 year review (1997-2010) / Darryl Plecas, Kristen Chaisson, & Len Garis. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
RCMP code of conduct cases in British Columbia : a five year review : 2005-2009 / Darryl Plecas, Jennifer Armstrong, and Irwin M. Cohen. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
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