Summary of the Evaluation of the Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence

About the Program

Established in 2017, the Canada Centre is a centre of excellence in countering radicalization to violence in the Canadian context. The Canada Centre was created to expand support for and coordination of these efforts and also, by its emphasis on prevention, complement traditional security and intelligence responses to radicalization.

The Centre’s activities fall into three main areas:

What We Examined

As a delivery evaluation, the evaluation focused on program design, implementation, and production of outputs; achievement of early outcomes, program efficiency, and alignment with federal priorities and departmental objectives were also considered. The evaluation covered the Centre’s activities from July 2017 (launch) to September 2019.

Evaluation Findings


The Assistant Deputy Minister, Portfolio Affairs and Communication Branch and the Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management and Preparedness Branch should consider the following for the Canada Centre:

  1. In terms of its national leadership role: explore opportunities to expand its coordinating role, including outreach at the stakeholder and community level.
  2. In terms of its knowledge development and mobilization role: formalize the roles and responsibilities suitable for the Canada Centre as a curator and distributor, and even potentially a producer of research products.
  3. In terms of its G&Cs role: provide necessary guidance to ensure that funded projects are monitoring and assessing their activities in line with the overall objectives of the Canada Centre.
  4. The Canada Centre should put in place measures to systematically collect and report on its outputs and outcomes.
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