ARCHIVE - Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009

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Table of Contents

Message from the Minister

The Honourable Stockwell Day

I am pleased to have the opportunity to present Public Safety Canada's Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009.

Public Safety Canada has been a part of the Government of Canada's sustainable development program for the past three years. This initiative, led by Environment Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada and Treasury Board Secretariat is becoming increasingly important as we become more aware that the choices we make in how we live our lives, both at home and at work, have a direct impact on the world around us.

Awareness is a positive first step but we also need to take action-collectively. The Government of Canada is committed to using more sustainable practices in carrying out its important work for Canadians. To achieve results, each department is required to create its own strategy to ensure that sustainable development practices are integrated into their respective business planning tools and processes.

Public Safety Canada's Sustainable Development Strategy employs a practical approach to decision making. It will create a better future for all Canadians by advancing initiatives that balance our social and environmental objectives with those of our economic ones.

Public Safety Canada is building sustainable development practices into its programs. For example, the National Crime Prevention Strategy encourages cost-effective crime control, contributes to the sustainable development of social capital, and reduces dependencies on energy consuming tools (i.e., police vehicles, correctional facilities, etc). Community safety is an essential underlying requirement for sustainable development.

Sustainable development is a shared responsibility and requires the involvement of everyone. The strategies outlined in this document bear witness to our willingness to shoulder that responsibility.

The Honourable Stockwell Day
Minister of Public Safety

Executive Summary

Public Safety Canada recognizes its responsibility to be proactive in its approach to sustainable development by reducing the environmental impacts of its operations, while supporting the safety and well-being of Canadians and their communities.

In developing this Strategy, the Department was guided by the sustainable development priorities outlined in Greening Government Operations: Guidance for Organizations Developing Sustainable Development Strategies (2007-2009). In addition to the three mandatory priorities outlined in the guidance documents, through this Sustainable Development Strategy, the Department is also committed to helping to enhance the sustainability of Canadian communities through the effective execution of its mandate.

During the next two years, Public Safety Canada will undertake the following activities in each priority area:

Public Safety Canada will develop an action plan that will incorporate communications and training measures to initiate internal sustainable development awareness and capacity building within the Department. This document identifies individual departmental branches to lead specific sustainable development activities and monitor the achievement of related targets.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Canada Border Services Agency
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Corporate Management Branch
Crime Prevention Action Fund
Correctional Service Canada
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Community Safety and Partnerships Branch
Canada School of Public Service
Environmental Assessment
Environment Canada
Emergency Management and National Security Branch
Emergency Management Activities
Electronic waste
First Nations Policing Program
Government of Canada
Greenhouse gases
Interdepartmental Network on Sustainable Development Strategies
National Crime Prevention Centre
National Crime Prevention Strategy
National Capital Region
National Headquarters
Natural Resources Canada
Office of Greening Government Operations (PWGSC)
Public Safety Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Research and Knowledge Development Fund
Sustainable Development Strategy
Treasury Board Secretariat
Youth Gang Prevention Fund

1.0 Introduction

Sustainable Development Strategies (SDSs) are a key element of the Government of Canada's approach to sustainable development: the means to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. These strategies communicate the ways in which departments and agencies integrate the principles of sustainable development into their programs, policies and operations, and support the federal government in meeting its commitment to sustainable development.

Public Safety Canada's mandate is to keep Canadians safe from a range of risks such as natural disasters, crime and terrorism. In fulfilling its mandate, the Department coordinates and supports the efforts of federal organizations that promote national security and the safety of Canadians. It also works with other levels of government, first responders, community groups, the private sector and other nations.

Federal government guidance on greening operations requires that each department and agency focus on the three following priorities as they relate to their respective mandates: building energy, vehicle emissions and green procurement.

Public Safety Canada has a fourth priority which is contributing to the sustainability of Canadian communities. Communities need to feel safe and secure to plan, pursue and commit to long-term investments in social and economic development, including the stewardship of natural resources.

The Department's four sustainable development priorities can be grouped under two broad headings:

2.0 Portfolio overview

The Public Safety Portfolio is responsible, within the Government of Canada, for public safety, policing and law enforcement, corrections and the conditional release of federal offenders, emergency management, national security, crime prevention and the protection of Canada's borders.

The Portfolio consists of the Department of Public Safety Canada and five agencies: the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Correctional Service of Canada, the National Parole Board, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Portfolio also includes three review bodies: the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, the Office of the Correctional Investigator and the RCMP External Review Committee.

Combined, these organizations have over 52,000 employees and a total annual budget of more than $6 billion. Each agency, with the exception of CSIS, prepares an individual Report on Plans and Priorities. The reports of all Portfolio agencies can be found on each organization's website.

The Portfolio agencies and review bodies contribute individually and collectively to Canada's public safety agenda.

3.0 Department profile

Public Safety Canada was created in 2003 to ensure coordination across all federal departments and agencies responsible for national security and the safety of Canadians.

The Department has over 900 staff and while the bulk of its operations are concentrated in the National Capital Region, it has 35 regional and satellite offices across the country. The Department provides strategic policy advice in such areas as national security, emergency management, border security, policing, and law enforcement. It also delivers a broad range of national emergency preparedness, critical infrastructure protection and community safety programs. The Department supports the Minister in all aspects of his mandate, providing national public safety leadership and strategic direction to Portfolio agencies, while respecting the separate accountability of each Agency Head. Also situated within the Department is the Office of the Inspector General of CSIS, which carries out internal audits of CSIS's compliance with the law, ministerial direction and operational policy.

4.0 Updating the Strategy for 2007-2009

Prior to the release of this Strategy, the Department's sustainable development activities were guided by the Strategy prepared by the former Department of the Solicitor General of Canada, covering the years 2003-2006. This report was tabled in February 2004, soon after the creation of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (through the integration of the Department Solicitor General of Canada, the Office of Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness, and the National Crime Prevention Centre). This Department is now commonly referred to as Public Safety Canada.

The 2003-2006 Strategy included policy initiatives intended to promote sustainable Aboriginal policing (goal one) and a number of corporate greening initiatives (goal two). Goal one of the 2003-2006 SDS focused on "exploring the social dimension of sustainable development." The First Nations Policing Program (FNPP) addressed this goal through its assessment of the long-term impact of community policing in First Nations communities, and its coordination and collaboration between federal departments on common policy objectives and performance indicators. These objectives led to the completion of several surveys, studies and evaluations relevant to FNPP, as well as a Six Nations Police Service community policing project, a Saskatchewan Community Tripartite Agreement community satisfaction project, and efforts to strengthen joint partnerships with other government departments. Of the 10 targets under this goal, all but two were met.

The second goal of the 2003-06 Strategy, "reducing the impacts of departmental operations on the natural environment," centered on enhanced training and awareness of sustainable development issues leading to the reduction of operations-related environmental impacts, building on the training and awareness efforts, and on maintaining waste-reduction levels of the 2000-2003 SDS. Targets included: building employee awareness and compliance regarding sustainable development, green procurement and waste management. The nature and scope of organizational transition challenges, however, impacted significantly on the Department's capacity to deliver on the "green" targets, and most have not been completed. The 2007-09 Strategy takes this into account, and identifies modest, but achievable targets.

The 2007-2009 Strategy includes a broader focus on activities that strengthen Public Safety Canada's role in supporting the sustainability of communities, such as Emergency Management Activities, and programs associated with the National Crime Prevention Strategy. For green operations, the Department will continue to focus on training, awareness, waste and greenhouse gas reduction, and activities where it can achieve the greatest possible positive environmental impact.

5.0 Public Safety Canada's 2007-2009 SDS vision and approach

5.1 Sustainable development vision

Public Safety Canada plays an important role in the lives of millions of Canadians in helping to maintain public safety, by contributing to preparations and the establishment of safeguards to deal with emergencies. In carrying out this role, the Department is focused on:

reducing the environmental impacts of its operations, while supporting the safety and well-being of Canadian communities.

5.2 Approach

Federal departments and agencies tabled their 2007-2009 SDSs to Parliament in December 2006. This SDS process was co-led by Environment Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat, which were also involved in the development of two guidance documents. The Greening Government Operations: Guidance for Organizations Developing Sustainable Development Strategies (2007-2009) delineated the activities that could reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas production, while minimizing other environmental impacts from operations; and Coordinating the Fourth Round of Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies outlined three greening priorities for departmental operations.

In developing its SDS, Public Safety Canada assessed and took into account the following:

As noted in Chapter Four (Sustainable Development Strategies - Action on Strategy Commitments) of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development's 2006 Report on federal Sustainable Development Strategies, "Departments that have made satisfactory progress toward their commitments generally have well-functioning management systems to plan for achieving the commitment, to implement the plan and to monitor their progress." Accordingly, the Public Safety Canada's approach to green operations includes a governance structure and recognizes the need to communicate with and train staff to support the achievement of outcomes and to increase their awareness of and participation in sustainable development activities.

Second, in her 2006 Report, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development also states that SDSs should be designed to go beyond "business as usual" by using measures and commitments that are of more than marginal significance, given they will be looked at during future audit work and scrutinized by parliamentarians. Public Safety Canada has taken a longer-term vision of sustainability by looking at its broad safety mandate and identifying programs that contribute to community sustainability for Canadians.

5.3 Influencing factors and opportunities

5.3.1 Internal

Public Safety Canada NHQ relocation

Public Safety Canada is currently consolidating most of its national headquarters staff into one central location at 269 Laurier Avenue West in Ottawa. This consolidation provides an opportunity to reduce departmental energy consumption, given 269 Laurier is a new facility which offers modernized building controls and energy management systems. This move also resulted in the purchase of new energy-efficient office equipment. More information on this building and its benefits can be found in Section 7.1 - Building energy.

Shared portfolio priorities

Canada Border Services Agency, Correctional Services Canada and the RCMP all prepared individual SDSs tabled as part of the government's Fourth Round. Apart from individual opportunities to enhance green operation benefits, these agencies also act as guarantors of public safety and have incorporated activities and targets related to interdepartmental cooperation on security and safety to contribute to strengthening sustainable communities within Canada.

5.3.2 External

PWGSC's Policy on Green Procurement

PWGSC's Policy on Green Procurement is a federal government-wide initiative to advance the protection of the environment and support sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into procurement decisions. The application of green procurement, through this policy, which came into effect on April 1st, 2006, will contribute to the following environmental objectives:

While federal government departments and agencies are encouraged to "buy green," the Policy on Green Procurement is one of many factors that must be considered when decisions on purchasing need to be made, including value-for-money, cost, availability of green products through standing offers and categories, the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), and the Industrial and Regional Benefits Program.


PWGSC is working with Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada to develop an environmental stewardship strategy to reduce lead, mercury and cadmium levels that are part of the 34,000 metric tonnes of electronic waste (E-waste) from information technology-related equipment and peripherals (computers, monitors, printers, cell phones, printers, copiers and scanners) generated from federal operations. Several key suppliers to the federal government, including Dell, Hewlett Packard and IBM, have established their own computer "take-back" recycling programs. Additionally, some municipalities have established their own E-waste programs, such as the City of Ottawa's "Take it Back!" program and the City of Vancouver's private sector partnerships with E-waste recyclers.

Expanded recycling initiatives

PWGSC currently administers the PaperSave Program that collects approximately 10,000 metric tonnes of waste paper each year from government offices in the National Capital Region; this paper is reused by paper companies in their pulping processes. PWGSC has also expanded the range of materials that are being collected, including plastics and used batteries, with centralized collection points for buildings shared by federal government departments and agencies.

5.4 Consultations with stakeholders and partners

In preparing this Strategy, Public Safety Canada has consulted with departmental staff individually and in groups, on matters such as corporate planning, procurement, human resources, accommodations, information technology management, crime prevention and policing, emergency management and regional operations. Externally, a number of avenues were explored to gather views to develop and refine the Department's Strategy on an ongoing basis. These include a range of interdepartmental discussions aimed at improving collaboration and coordination, such as:

6.0 The Public Safety Canada 2007-2009 Sustainable Development Logic Model

The Public Safety Canada 2007-2009 Sustainable Development Logic Model

7.0 Greening Operations

7.1 Building energy

Public Safety Canada Goal: Reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions.

NHQ Smart Building Relocation

7.1.1 Background

The Government of Canada owns or leases approximately 31 million square metres (25 million owned and 6 million leased) of floor space in a variety of buildings across the country. Energy is needed to heat, cool, light and power these facilities. In 2002, building energy use from electricity consumption or the combustion of fossil fuels accounted for 81% (2,417 kilotonnes) of GHG emissions from federal government operations.

The Guidance for Organizations Developing Sustainable Development Strategies (2007-2009) document recommends that federal tenant departments and agencies engage in the following government-wide activities to reduce building energy:

The Public Safety Canada accommodation footprint currently consists of:

Public Safety Canada office facilities are leased using the services of PWGSC's Real Property Branch. These buildings are of various dimensions, age, window style, construction materials and heating type. The Real Property Branch is responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of the occupancy/rental agreements. As Public Safety Canada depends on PWGSC to develop the terms of the lease agreements, it will ultimately be the responsibility of PWGSC to build environmental performance considerations and green criteria into the lease agreements.

With the expansion of Public Safety Canada offices into newly constructed or renovated buildings, recent government and department policies are supporting energy conservation measures. PWGSC now requires that all new building construction introduces "green leases" to help move towards achieving the same environmental standards as for Crown-owned facilities, particularly in large, long-term leases.

Activities that will be taken to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions include improving printer use management, decreasing personal lighting use, undertaking energy audits in offices and subsequently creating a GHG emissions reduction strategy and encouraging, where possible, daily office equipment shutdown.

7.1.2 Proposed activities

The proposed activities for this priority are described below. The targets and indicators attributed to these activities can be found in Annex A.

Printer use management policy

Individual office machines are being replaced, where feasible, by shared multiple use units on office floors, reducing costs and energy use. Actions that can be undertaken include office space planning components that can be interdependent (i.e., reduced energy use, energy conservation favourable lease agreements) to aid energy conservation.

Personal lighting policy

Lighting is the greatest source of energy consumption in an office. The decrease in personal lighting use and/or transition to using compact fluorescent instead of incandescent or halogen bulbs can reduce energy consumption.

Energy audits and subsequent GHG emissions reduction strategy

Energy consumption patterns and contributing factors are not fully understood by the Department. There are a number of aspects that will be reviewed through a sampling of departmental offices to determine where energy conservation gains could be made. This, in turn, will help provide a basis for an overall strategy to reduce office GHG emissions.

Daily office equipment shutdown policy

Daily office practices by staff when leaving the office at the end of the day can have a significant cumulative effect on reducing energy usage. Turning computers, monitors and peripherals off at night will reduce Public Safety Canada's overall office energy consumption.

7.2 Vehicle emissions

Public Safety Canada Goal: Reduce Departmental vehicle usage and GHG emissions.

Alternative and Public Transit Use for Commuting in the NCR

7.2.1 Background

The 18 largest federal departments and agencies whose fleets exceed a minimum of 50 vehicles each operate more than 26,000 vehicles, and the Government of Canada buys approximately 3,445 new vehicles a year. Government policies encourage the purchase and use of alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles, where feasible.

The Guidance for Organizations Developing Sustainable Development Strategies (2007-2009) document suggests the following government-wide SDS targets for vehicle fleets:

The Public Safety Canada vehicle fleet is comprised of just two executive vehicles and five vans. One of the executive vehicles is a hybrid car. The vans are older vehicles that are used by the Canadian Emergency Management College to transfer out-of-town students to and from the Ottawa International Airport.

Green procurement criteria will guide the purchase/lease of any new vehicles according to PWGSC's policy. Vehicles are to be disposed of according to PWGSC's Crown Asset Distribution guidelines.

Vehicle emissions benefits will also be achieved through activities that include selecting alternate fuel/hybrid or subcompact class when reserving car rentals, encouraging public transit use and alternate forms of commuting, using alternate fuels to reduce emissions and improve mileage, and environmentally friendly driver training.

7.2.2 Proposed activities

The proposed activities for this priority are described below. The targets and indicators attributed to these activities can be found in Annex A.

Green rental policy

Public Safety Canada staff are sometimes required to travel on official business away from their offices and operations. By determining which vehicles are the most fuel efficient when booking, be it a sub-compact or alternate fuel/hybrid fuel selection, it will be possible to take incremental steps to reduce fuel consumption and GHGs.

Environmentally friendly transportation policy

Staff in large urban centres often have access to public transit or alternate forms of transport such as carpooling, cycling and walking to work. By encouraging participation in municipal programs that support these activities, it will be possible to reduce transit costs for staff, while improving traffic flow and reducing GHG emissions by having fewer vehicles on the road.

Ecodriving initiative

Vehicle emissions can be reduced through good driving habits. Public Safety Canada staff who use fleet vehicles or frequently rent for official business will benefit from participating in NRCan's Green Defensive Driving Training program that instruct staff on how to reduce fuel consumption and GHGs.

7.3 Green procurement

Public Safety Canada Goal: Most products and services procured are "green".

GLA: Financial Coding manual

7.3.1 Background

The Government of Canada is the largest single buyer in the country, spending over $11.6 billion annually on products and services. PWGSC defines green procurement as "the practice of acquiring goods and services that minimize the use of natural resources, the use and production of toxic materials, and emissions of greenhouse gas and other air pollutants over a product's lifecycle. [Green procurement involves purchasing energy efficient products that] emit fewer greenhouse gas emissions during their use than their conventional counterparts."

The Guidance for Organizations Developing Sustainable Development Strategies (2007-2009) document suggests the following government-wide SDS targets for green procurement:

Public Safety Canada's procurement department is primarily involved in contracting for consulting services. Most purchases of goods are through standing offers that are developed by PWGSC. As Public Safety Canada depends on PWGSC to develop the terms of the standing offers, it will ultimately be PWGSC's responsibility to build environmental performance considerations and green criteria into standing offers. Public Safety Canada, along with most other government departments, has little influence in requiring suppliers to provide green goods.

Green procurement benefits can also be achieved through activities that include purchasing energy efficient office equipment (if and when available), providing procurement staff with training to support and encourage green procurement, using recycled toner cartridges, taking a concerted approach to redirect E-waste to recycling or extended use, and expanding the range and volume of recyclable materials.

7.4.2 Proposed activities

The proposed activities for this priority are described below. The targets and indicators attributed to these activities can be found in Annex A.

Energy efficient office equipment procurement policy

Green procurement should encompass purchasing by policy and/or directive as part of best value decision-making. The official support of green procurement will incite staff to make more environmentally friendly purchases of office supplies and equipment (if and when available).

Green procurement training

Procurement officers and administrative assistants are the key individuals in each branch responsible for procurement of goods and services. Information and training on green procurement and financial "green codes" will increase staff awareness of environmental performance considerations and their role in purchasing and tracking environmentally preferred products.

Toner cartridges replacement policy

Federal government staff produce large volumes of documentation and reports. A substantial amount of ink and toner is thus required for printing. The evolution of recycled toner cartridges for laser printers means that there are less inputs and energy required to produce new cartridges.

E-waste initiative

Dealing with E-waste has become a significant problem within the federal government, particularly with the number of staff involved and their respective needs, as well as the rapid evolution in technology requiring regular upgrading. By tying into information technology equipment buyback or municipal E-waste recycling programs, a significant volume of office equipment and its composite harmful chemicals and metals can be diverted from landfills and entering surface and groundwater sources.

Recycling expansion initiative

There are opportunities to expand the existing range of materials being recycled (e.g., paper, metals, glass) to include batteries and plastics. By recycling as many items as possible, there is increased diversion of materials away from landfills and the inherent energy of producing and transporting those materials is reduced.

8.0 Sustainable communities - The role of Public Safety Canada

The safety and security of communities has been internationally identified as an important component of the social dimension of sustainable development because it is an important determinant of the quality of life for both current and future generations. While the particular threats associated with terrorism and organized crime have the potential to affect a large number of individuals and even whole communities, all forms of criminality invariably affect the well-being of society and require a clear and unequivocal response from government. Law enforcement, courts and corrections are important in achieving safer communities and a critical component in this integrated continuum is the pursuit of crime prevention measures to tackle crime before it occurs.

To have a sustainable community, citizens need to feel secure. Crime, disorder and fear of crime diminish quality of life and lead to instability and a lack of citizen involvement in communities. This, in turn, intensifies the cycle of disorder and increases the potential for criminal activity. Consequently, crime prevention is an important element in helping to strengthen the social infrastructure that supports sustainable development. Sustainable development in the realm of crime prevention is driven by, and linked to a community's broader vision of a safe and healthy community and is based on groups and organizations working together on community activities.

To have a sustainable community, citizens also need to be prepared for, and be able to deal with emergencies. Factors such as increased urbanization, critical infrastructure interdependencies, international terrorist groups, severe weather events and the steady flow of people and trade across borders increase the potential for catastrophes in Canada that transcend geographic and jurisdictional boundaries. All levels of government have an obligation to their citizens to analyze risks, prevent or mitigate them where possible, and continuously improve their ability to work together to prepare for, respond to and recover from the consequences of disasters.

Contributing to sustainable communities has been designated as Public Safety Canada's fourth priority for this SDS. Two of the key programs and their initiatives that support sustainable communities are presented below: Emergency Management Activities and the National Crime Prevention Strategy.

8.1 Emergency Management Activities

8.1.1 Background

Emergency management consists of actions and measures to minimize the consequences of events that threaten the health, safety or welfare of people, or damage to property or the environment. The ultimate objective of emergency management is to save lives, preserve the environment and protect property and the economy. In the broadest sense, emergency management raises the understanding of risks and contributes to a safer, prosperous, sustainable, disaster-resistant and resilient Canada. Emergency management is comprised of four interdependent risk-based functions as follows:

Traditionally, emergency management in Canada has focused on preparedness and response. The changing and increasingly complex risk environment now demands that emergency management also deals with specific risks, hazards and vulnerabilities through prevention and mitigation measures in advance of emergencies and disasters. Evidence shows that attention toward, or investment in prevention and mitigation can help prevent disasters or significantly reduce the social, economic and environmental costs and damages when negative events occur.

Emergency management activities that can contribute towards the sustainability of communities include updating emergency management legislation, implementing critical infrastructure protection and initiating pandemic influenza preparedness.

8.1.2 Proposed activities

The proposed activities for this priority are described below. The targets and indicators attributed to these activities can be found in Annex A.

Updated emergency management legislation - Bill C-12, a new Emergency Management Act was tabled on May 8, 2006. If passed by Parliament, this Bill will repeal and replace the Emergency Preparedness Act. This proposed legislation would strengthen accountability for emergency management in the federal government and enhance jurisdictional support for a number of ongoing measures on emergency management, including the implementation of a national public alerting strategy to promote threat awareness and prescribe actions; a stakeholder engagement strategy on emergency management within the voluntary sector and first responders; the analysis and evaluation of federal emergency management plans; and science and technology solutions for public safety issues.

Critical infrastructure protection - The Department will initiate the development and implementation of a national approach to critical infrastructure protection to monitor the nature and extent of threats or risks to critical infrastructure assets. The approach will also promote more effective information sharing between public and private operators.

8.2 National Crime Prevention Strategy

8.2.1 Background

The National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) is administered by the National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC). The NCPC provides national leadership on effective and cost-effective ways to prevent and reduce crime and victimization by addressing known risk factors in high-risk populations and places.

In accomplishing this objective, the NCPC supports interventions which reduce early risk with at-risk families; address risk factors among high-risk children and youth; respond to priority crime issues, including youth gangs and drugs; target high-crime neighbourhoods and communities; and foster the prevention of recidivism among high-risk groups. The NCPC also supports the development, dissemination and use of practical knowledge in communities across Canada so that practitioners can improve crime prevention.

Integrating crime-prevention elements when making decisions on community safety contributes to sustainable communities. Crime prevention has a positive impact on all three dimensions of sustainable development:

The NCPC administers three crime prevention funds, namely the Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF), the Research and Knowledge Development Fund (RKDF) and the Youth Gang Prevention Fund (YGPF):

8.2.2 Proposed activities

The NCPC proposes three activities that support the key federal goal of sustainable communities. Targets and indicators attributed to these activities can be found in Annex A.

Youth Gang Prevention Fund

The youth gang phenomenon is an issue of growing concern amongst Canadians. While law enforcement and traditional criminal justice efforts are critical in responding to this issue, the Government of Canada recognizes the need for a balanced approach where crime prevention is a key component. On January 11, 2007, the Government announced $16.1 million in funding to help communities prevent youth crime with a focus on guns, gangs, and drugs. A total of $11.1 million of these funds are being used for the Youth Gang Prevention Fund, which provides funding for initiatives in communities where youth gangs are an existing or emerging threat. The Department is currently assessing several proposals for projects addressing specific risk and protective factors associated with youth violence and gang membership; providing alternatives to gangs; and supporting knowledge and evidence-based community interventions. This fund will contribute to community safety by decreasing gang-related crime in communities.

Initiatives to reduce the impacts of drugs and substances on offending and victimization

Over the years, the NCPC has supported several community-based initiatives aimed at preventing drug addiction and drug-related crimes across Canada. This focus has been reasserted recently when the NCPC committed to redirecting some existing funds to target groups at greatest risk of getting involved in substance use/abuse and crime - including at-risk children and youth using substances, juvenile and adult offenders no longer under correctional supervision, and Aboriginal people addicted to drugs. Implementing these initiatives will contribute to enhancing the safety and security of Canadians by reducing substance-related crime.

Initiatives which address risk factors for at-risk families and children

The Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF) supports crime prevention initiatives in Canadian communities. Reducing early risk with at-risk families and addressing risk factors among high-risk children are two important objectives of the CPAF. Investments in these two areas are aimed at increasing the resiliency of families and communities. This, in turn, fosters greater community sustainability.

9.0 SDS management measures

The federal guidance document Coordinating the Fourth Round of Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies made strengthening federal governance and decision-making one of the six government-wide priorities for the 2007-2009 planning period. Public Safety Canada staff have determined that the best way to ensure probity and accountability for the outcomes identified in greening operations is to strengthen the development, management and monitoring of proposed activities, and to ensure that staff are trained to incorporate sustainable development measures into their day-to-day work activities.

9.1 Governance

Policies and directives are required to ensure that staff and managers have a framework to adhere to that supports sustainable development within Public Safety Canada. Departmental SDS coordination and information management will occur through:

Monitoring these activities and targets will be reflected in the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) and the Departmental Performance Report (DPR) in the 2007-09 period.

9.2 Communications

Public Safety Canada will adopt a proactive, coordinated communications approach across the Department, including the regions, to ensure that internal messaging is consistent with key federal government sustainable development messaging. Through a combination of existing communications channels, such as all-staff e-mails and the Intranet as well as special promotions and incentives, Public Safety Canada will strive to increase staff awareness and encourage action on sustainable development initiatives within the Department. At the staff level, there will be incentives beyond policies and directives instructing staff to undertake sustainable development practices to meet outcomes. This may include some tangible benefit and recognition for individual or branch efforts.

9.3 Training

While Greening Operations is well established in terms of existing tools, policies and processes, sustainable development in the policy and program context requires additional effort. As a result, particular focus will be placed on training policy and program managers and analysts as an essential prerequisite to successfully imbed sustainable development in departmental policies and programs.

A sub-committee of the Interdepartmental Network on Sustainable Development Strategies, under the leadership of Health Canada, is partnering with the Canada School of Public Service to develop a training module for sustainable development aimed at federal employees. PWGSC's Office of Greening Government Operations is also providing input in the development of a green procurement course that will be delivered through the School. Training covering procurement, fleet management and driving can be aligned with the required training under the federal government's new Learning, Training and Development Policy for the procurement and asset management communities.


The following chart outlines the federal goal, Public Safety Canada departmental activity and target to be achieved, indicators to determine performance, and branches within the Department responsible for monitoring and achieving the activity. The Federal Goals for the purposes of Environment Canada's national roll-up are coded as follows:

  1. Clean air
  2. Clean water
  3. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  4. Sustainable communities
  5. Sustainable use of natural resources
  6. Governance for sustainable development.

Priority 1 - Building Energy

Priority 1 - Building Energy
Federal goal(s) Activity Target Performance indicator Branch
3 & 5 Printer use management policy All printers and copiers programmed to duplex printing as default setting whenever feasible (this may exclude ministerial and official documents). Reduction in use of paper for printing/copying. CMB
Decrease of personal printer use/fewer personal printers from 2007-2008 baseline levels. Reduction of office electricity use. CMB
3 Personal lighting policy 90% of personal lights are turned off by close-of-business (21:00 for normal activities). Reduction of office electricity use. CMB
90% of personal lighting has compact fluorescents or LED bulbs. Reduction of office electricity use. CMB
3 Energy audits and subsequent GHG emissions reduction strategy All PS offices have had energy audits by end of fiscal 2008-2009. Completion of energy audits for PS offices located in the National Capital Region by 2007-2008. CMB
Completion of energy audits for each PS office by 2008-2009. CMB
PS has a GHG emissions reduction strategy for its offices by the end of fiscal 2008-2009. Completion of GHG emissions reduction strategy for PS offices located in the National Capital Region by 2007-2008. CMB
Completion of GHG emissions reduction strategy for each PS office by 2008-2009. CMB
3 Daily office equipment shutdown policy 90% of computers, monitors, office equipment are turned off by close-of-business (21:00 for normal activities) audits by end of fiscal 2007-2008. Reduction of office electricity use. CMB

Priority 2 - Vehicle Emissions

Priority 2 - Vehicle Emissions
Federal goal Activity Target Performance indicator Branch
3 Green rental policy 75% of all vehicles rented are fuel efficient (compacts or economy) or use alternate fuels while adhering to TBS vehicle rental policies (Immediate). Increase in number of green or fuel-efficient vehicles leased or rented by PS staff. CMB
1 & 3 Environmentally friendly transportation policy 25% increase in ECOPASS use from 2007-2008 levels by end of fiscal 2008-2009. Increase in number of new users of public transit services. CMB
25% increase in carpooling from 2007-2008 levels by end of fiscal 2008-2009. Increase in number of new users of carpooling. CMB
3 & 5 Eco-driving training 50% of all staff who drive PS vehicles or rent on PS business have received NRCan's Eco-Driving training by 2008-2009. Reduction of fuel purchased on PS business, per kilometre driven. CMB

Priority 3 - Green Procurement

Priority 3 - Green Procurement
Federal goal Activity Target Performance indicator Branch
3 Energy-efficient office equipment procurement policy 100% of new office equipment purchases have Energy Star accreditation when feasible and available on PWGSC Standing Offers by the end of 2008-2009. Reduced energy use in offices. CMB
6 Green procurement training 50% of materiel managers, procurement officers and acquisition cardholders have taken the Canada School of Public Service's Green Procurement training course by the end of 2008-2009. Increase in percentage of "green products" procured. CMB
5 Toner cartridges replacement policy 100% purchase and use of remanufactured or recycled toner cartridges when feasible and available by the end of 2008-2009. All toner cartridges used are remanufactured or recycled CMB
Reduction in the number of toner cartridges sent to landfill (waste). CMB
4 & 5 Office equipment E-waste initiative Computer and office equipment diverted to E-waste depots or returned to manufacturers by 2008-2009 while adhering to Crown Asset disposal policy. Increase in volume of computer and office equipment diverted to E-waste depots or returned to manufacturers. CMB
4 & 5 Recycling expansion initiative Total volume of recyclable materials (e.g., paper, metals, glass, batteries and plastics) increased by 25% by 2008-2009. Increase in volume of recycled materials diverted to recycling programs. CMB

Priority 4 - Sustainable Communities

Emergency Management Activities

Priority 4 - Sustainable Communities: Emergency Management Activities
Federal goal Activity Target Performance indicator Branch
4 Updated emergency management legislation Legislation adopted by Parliament. Legislation in force. EMNS
4 Critical infrastructure protection National critical infrastructure plan in place. National critical infrastructure plan implemented. EMNS

National Crime Prevevention Strategy

National Crime Prevevention Strategy
Federal goal Activity Target Performance Indicator Branch
4 Youth Gang Prevention Fund Funding community-based projects in youth gang high risk areas. Number of youths engaged in gang prevention activities. CSP
4 Initiatives to reduce the impacts of drugs and substances on offending and victimization Funding community-based projects across Canada aimed at reducing substance-related crime. Number of projects aimed at reducing substance -related crime. CSP
4 Initiatives which address risk factors for at-risk families and children Funding of community-based projects across Canada. Number of projects funded to lower risk factors for at-risk families and children. CSP
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