CRCC Note for Minister’s Appearance Before SECU – June 23, 2020

General Information

The CRCC receives complaints from the public relating to the on duty conduct of RCMP members, including allegations of bias and or racism.

At the request of a complainant who is dissatisfied with the RCMP’s disposition of their complaint, the CRCC conducts a review of the complaint including allegations of bias and racism and makes recommendations.

The Commission is assessing the data it collects as part of the public complaint process, taking into consideration what other Canadian Police Oversight agencies across the country have recently publically undertaken in relation to the collection of race-based data.

The CRCC has initiated a systemic review of the RCMP’s Bias-Free Policing Model.

The CRCC has initiated various CICs & PIIs which have included issues related to bias and racism:

The following excerpt from the CRCC’s 2017 Northern BC report is of relevance:
“Although the Commission's community engagement reflected a certain level of satisfaction with the RCMP particularly in rural areas, there remained a perception by many community members that the RCMP is biased against Indigenous people. Despite the Commission being unable to substantiate that view through its policy and file review, the Commission acknowledges that the noted weaknesses in some policies and procedures may affect the overall transparency and accountability of the RCMP, which in turn can foster distrust and feed community perceptions that often reflect an individual's personal experiences.”

In addition, the Northern BC Report commented on the use of force in its recommendation no. 19:

Recommendation No. 19: That the RCMP modify the Subject Behaviour/Officer Response database and reporting policies to enhance accountability by ensuring issues identified through the reporting process can be monitored, tracked, and independently reviewed.
Review Reports

In complaint review reports, the Commission has discussed the special considerations applicable to the arrest and detention of Indigenous persons. The Commission has stated that the overrepresentation of Indigenous groups in the criminal justice system is widely recognized in Canada.

Furthermore, the Commission has indicated that the impact of colonialism continues to reverberate across Indigenous communities. Commissioners of the RCMP have repeatedly acknowledged that the conduct of its members has systematically contributed to some of the grave injustices faced by modern Indigenous peoples.

Historical events are inextricably linked to the policing of Indigenous communities, where a lack of trust between police and the community are central challenges to effective policing.  Police response to criminal incidents in such communities requires awareness and sensitivity to these fundamental contextual factors.

The Commission has noted that contributing to safer and healthier Indigenous communities is one of the five current strategic priorities for the RCMP.  As part of achieving this objective, the RCMP has recognized the value of the following relevant initiatives:

In assessing the conduct of RCMP members when performing complaint reviews, the Commission has analyzed whether the RCMP members whose conduct was the subject of the complaint had considered or applied the above principles.
Furthermore, in the course of conducting complaint reviews and public interest investigations, the Commission has assessed whether the conduct of RCMP members was discriminatory or biased on the basis of prohibited grounds of discrimination such as race, colour, or ethnic origin. 

To assess allegations of discrimination, the Commission has applied the test outlined by the Supreme Court of Canada in Moore v BC (Education)  2012 SCC 61, namely whether the complainant (or person affected by the RCMP conduct examined in the complaint):

For example, when conducting its Chairperson-initiated complaint and public interest investigation into the RCMP's investigation of the death of Colten Boushie, the Commission assessed whether there had been discrimination on the basis of race or perceived race. The Commission submitted its interim report on this matter to the RCMP Commissioner in January 2020 and is awaiting her response to issue its final report.

Delays in receiving the Commissioner’s response to interim reports

Pursuant to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, the CRCC cannot issue its final report until it has received the Commissioner’s response to an interim report.

As of this date, the CRCC is awaiting the Commissioner’s response to 181 interim reports. These include:

The average time taken by the RCMP to respond to the CRCC’s interim reports is 1.5 years.

The oldest case has been pending before the Commissioner for 3.7 years.

In 2019-2020, the Commission issued final reports on cases that had been before the RCMP Commissioner in some instances almost 3 years. The CRCC’s Chairperson emphasized in her final reports on those cases that:  

The issue of delays pertaining to receiving Commissioner responses to interim reports was discussed on a semi-annual basis during the last bilats between the RCMP Commissioner and the CRCC Chairperson.  In addition, the delays are being mentioned in the CRCC’s 2019-2020 annual report.  Finally, in December 2019, the CRCC and the RCMP signed a memorandum of understanding which indicates that the RCMP have six months to respond to interim reports. 

Additional items of relevance

The CRCC was involved in the efforts to develop an informal process to deal with complaints between the RCMP and the Wetsuwet’en.  The focus of those efforts was building trust between the communities and the RCMP by following an indigenous justice program.

Letter of February 13, 2020, of the CRCC’s response to concerns about RCMP actions in Wet’suwet’en Territory raised by the BCCLA, the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs.

As these matters had not yet been investigated, the Chairperson of the CRCC indicated that she ‘cannot comment in any way on the merits of the issues you raise, or on the current situation on or around Morice West Forest Service Road. However, in order to address your request that the Commission initiate a Public Interest Investigation into this matter, I will set out my understanding of the concerns you are raising, and their similarity to certain other issues examined by the Commission in previous cases.’
Among other topics, the issues examined in the Commission's Kent County report included:

The Commission found that RCMP members did not demonstrate bias in general, or engage in differential treatment of Indigenous protesters when making arrests. Although the Commission made several findings and recommendations regarding the need for training and policy development with regard to Indigenous cultural matters and the handling of sacred items, it found that RCMP members did not, either deliberately or unwittingly, unnecessarily interfere with Indigenous ceremonies or sacred items.

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