Aboriginal Community Safety Development Contribution Program


Classification: unclassified

Branch/Agency: Community Safety and Countering Crime Branch

Proposed Response:

 Financial Implications:


Indigenous Community Safety

As of January 2020, Indigenous offenders represent approximately 30% of  federally incarcerated individuals and 5% of the overall Canadian population.

The factors contributing to Indigenous individuals being drawn into the criminal justice system are numerous, complex, systemic, inter-related and are not limited to the criminal justice system. Some of the factors include loss of culture, substance abuse, mental health issues, child welfare involvement, poverty, inadequate access to health care and social services.

It is this context that drives the Government of Canada’s commitment to address the overrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples in the criminal justice system.

Aboriginal Community Safety Development Contribution Program

The Aboriginal Community Safety Development Contribution Program (ACSDCP) was established in 2010 as part of the Government’s concrete actions to address violent crime against Indigenous women and girls.

The Program has since evolved to focus on community safety and well-being in Indigenous communities. Two initiatives are administered under the ACSDCP:

Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative

Budget 2017 invested $10 million over five years to Public Safety Canada’s Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative to fund community-based, culturally relevant projects that provide alternatives to incarceration and reintegration support for Indigenous offenders.

A national call for proposals was launched in October 2017 and the Department received 126 proposals, requesting a total of $146M against the $8.7M available in contribution funds.

With the $8.7M, the Department is supporting the implementation of 16 projects that are culturally relevant community-based and focused on the healing and rehabilitation of Indigenous offenders. The projects, responsive to the concerns, priorities and unique circumstances of Indigenous communities, offer culturally relevant programming that address a range of issues that contribute to the over-representation of Indigenous offenders in the criminal justice system such as residential schools, involvement in the child welfare system, mental health and addictions, employment and education, family reunification and more.

All funding for the ICCI has been allocated.  It is currently being evaluated as it is sunsetting in 2022. Further investment in the ICCI could support expanded services and enhanced program reach to further address the over-incarceration of Indigenous adults.

Aboriginal Community Safety Planning Initiative

Public Safety Canada's Aboriginal Community Safety Planning Initiative (ACSPI), supports Indigenous communities in identifying community safety and wellness issues and developing Community Safety Plans (CSPs) that are responsive to the unique circumstances of each community. As of August 2020 over 200 Indigenous communities have engaged in the process, 53 of which have completed a CSP.

Through Budget 2010, Public Safety Canada (PS) received $5.7 million over five years to provide support for the development of Community Safety Plans (CSPs) in Indigenous communities as part of the Government’s investments to address the disturbingly high number of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Subsequently, Budget 2014 committed an additional $25 million to continue efforts to reduce violence against Indigenous women and girls. PS received $8.6 million  over five years for the development of more CSPs on and off reserve. The initiative was set to sunset on March 31, 2020.

Currently PS has a proposal for ACSPI renewal at $6.3 million over five years and $1.3 million ongoing. This would result in the initiative ceasing the delivery of contribution funding through the ACSDP, effective 2020-21.

Expansion of the initiative to broaden reach and continue delivering contribution funding will be sought through future Departmental initiatives.


Prepared by:  Patti McDonald, Senior Program Advisor and Lara Deacon, Senior Policy Analyst
Approved by: Trevor Bhupsing, A/Assistant Deputy Minister, Community Safety and Countering Crime Branch, 613-990–2703

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