Parliamentary Committee Notes: Questions and Answers Part 1: Telecommunications Act Amendments

Bill C-26, An Act Respecting Cyber Security

Table of Contents

Updated as of October 30, 2023

Q1. Is this a ban on Huawei?

Q2. Why is the threat higher in 5G than in 4G?

Q3. If a TSP announces a partnership with Huawei for 5G, can we remove their products later?

Q4. How could a future decision on whether to restrict high risk suppliers from 5G networks affect Canada's rural communities' ability to access the Internet?

Q5. Will China be able to influence Canada if high risk suppliers are present in the Canadian wireless telecommunications system?

Q6. Should work begin immediately on an order to restrict Huawei and ZTE?

Q7. Are Huawei phones being considered?

Q8. Will this framework address all security concerns in the telecommunications system?

Q9. Does this fall short of what the United States asked Canada to do?

Q10. What are some of the findings of the government's 5G security examination?

Q11. Will the Government share the results of its security review? (Why won't the Government be transparent on this?)

Q12. What evidence did the Government find on Huawei during its review?

Q13. When did the security review wrap up? Why did it take the Government so long to come out with this policy?

Q14. Why have secret orders? Does this not undermine the message that cyber security is a shared responsibility?

Q15. Is this not just a way for the government to move ahead with Lawful Access?

Q16. This confers extraordinary powers, such as 'terminating services to anyone'. How can the government ensure they aren't cutting off essential services for Canadians?

Q17. How is there going to be any accountability when the government can order anything, and the public might never know?

Q18. By banning compensation, won't this hurt small providers?

Q19. The information collection provisions seem enormously broad, and even allows for sharing with foreign governments. How can Canadians believe their privacy is being protected?

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