Parliamentary Committee Notes: Overview Note


On April 10. 2024, the following motion was adopted by INAN:

It was agreed, — That, in accordance with Standing Order 108(2), the Committee invites the Auditor General of Canada to appear before the Committee to discuss the two reports on Indigenous services that she tabled in the House on March 19, 2024, and that the Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, the Minister for Housing and the Minister of Public Safety be also invited to examine this issue, with the Committee holding a maximum of two meetings for this purpose; that it report to the House its findings and recommendations for action on the Auditor General's calls to address persistent challenges and unresolved issues in improving housing conditions and police services for Indigenous communities, and that these meetings be televised.

Minister Hajdu and Minister Fraser will appear for the first hour of the meeting on the Auditor General’s Report 2 – Housing in First Nations Communities.  The Auditor General appeared on Report 2 and Report 3 on April 29, 2024.


You will appear for the second hour with the following officials:

Public Safety


Opening Remarks

At the onset of the meeting, the Chair will invite you to deliver opening remarks, to last approximately 5 minutes. Questions from Committee members will ensue.

Rounds of Questions

First Round of Questions:

Second and Subsequent Rounds of Questions:

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