Events Calendar

Events Calendar




Fall 2021 (TBD)

Cross-Border Crime Forum

Ministerial forum to address transnational crime issues such as organized crime; counter-terrorism; human trafficking; firearms and drug trafficking/smuggling, and other emerging cross-border threats.

Nov 20-21, 2021

Halifax International Security Forum, Halifax, NS

Annual Forum for the discussion of the world’s most pressing security challenges. The Halifax International Security Forum is devoted to strengthening strategic cooperation among democratic nations.

Nov 25, 2021

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Day to raise awareness on violence against women and girls, and  ensure essential services for survivors of violence.

Nov 29 - Dec 3, 2021

Financial Crime Coordination Center (FC3) AML Spin Cycle Conference

The Financial Crime Coordination Center (FC3) will bring together experts from across intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the first Government of Canada anti-money laundering (AML) conference hosted by Public Safety Canada. FC3 is requesting the Minister deliver a message in a pre-recorded video that will be featured in the introductory remarks at the conference.

Nov/Dec, 2021

Annual Meeting with CBSA and Racialized Community Groups on the perceptions and impacts of customs practices on racialized groups

CBSA will host a meeting with organizations representing racialized communities to discuss customs practices. Meeting is organized at the request of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Black Legal Action Centre.

Dec 6, 2021

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

Day to remember and honor those who have experienced gender-based violence (GBV).

Dec 7-9, 2021

Special Chiefs Assembly (AFN)

Bi-annual meeting of First Nation Chiefs from across the country to set strategic direction based on First Nations needs and priorities.

Dec, 2021

National Security and Islamophobia: Building Trust with Canadian Muslims

Public Safety Canada-led event for experts from civil society and academia, as well as national security professionals, to discuss the issue of Islamophobia and the human impacts of counter-terrorism polices in Canada in the post 9/11 era.

Jan 28, 2022

Bell Let’s Talk Day

To increase awareness and acceptance around mental health, and focused on engaging Canadians to take action to create positive change in mental health.

Jan/Feb, 2022

FPT Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Public Safety with Indigenous Leaders (FPTI) 

FPT Ministers responsible for Justice and Public Safety meet with leaders of National Indigenous Organizations, separate, and in advance of their annual FPT Ministers’ meeting to discuss key priorities and Indigenous issues related to justice and public safety.

Jan/Feb, 2022

FPT Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Public Safety (FPT)

FPT Ministers meet annually to address the needs of FPT jurisdictions in the areas of justice, public safety, corrections, attorneys general and public prosecutions, and to collaborate on justice and public safety issues of importance to Canadians.

Feb 2022

Black History Month

To celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate, and prosperous nation it is today.

Feb 22, 2022

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

To bring awareness to this horrific crime in Canada and around the world. 

Feb/Mar 2022

FPT Meeting of Ministers Emergency Management

FPT Ministers responsible for Emergency Management meet to discuss shared responsibilities related to emergency management in Canada.

Mar 21, 2022

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960.

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