Guidelines for the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements - Interpretation Bulletin 7: 15% Mitigation Enhancements



To rescind and archive interpretation bulletins 1 and 3 and replace with the following text as bulletin 7.

Definition of Mitigation

“Disaster mitigation measures are those that eliminate or reduce the impacts and risks of hazards through proactive measures taken before an emergency or disaster occurs.”

3.3 Disaster recovery mitigation measures

3.3.1   Mitigation enhancements undertaken within specific repair or reconstruction projects of damaged infrastructure to reduce vulnerability to future emergencies will be considered for eligibility by Public Safety Canada (PS).
3.3.2   The total amount eligible for cost-sharing of mitigation enhancements is limited to 15% of the total roll-up of eligible recovery costs (not including administration and engineering costs) associated with repair and/or reconstruction of damaged public and private infrastructure. It can be applied to one or more projects involving mitigation enhancements. The maximum value of the 15% roll-up is confirmed at the time of the final federal audit. Only actual eligible costs associated with repair and/or reconstruction of damaged public and private infrastructure will be considered for federal cost-sharing (see examples on pg. 3).
3.3.3   New construction, non-structural mitigation projects (e.g. engineering studies, flood plain mapping) and public awareness initiatives are not eligible. Mitigation enhancements that are mainly designed to increase operational capacity (e.g. traffic volume, productive output), functionality, floor space, or life-cycle duration are not eligible expenses.
3.3.4   The province or territory (P/T) will inform (PS) of the proposed mitigation enhancement project(s) during the semi-annual accounting exercise. PS will provide a template to P/Ts to document this information and the completed template should be available to federal auditors for audit verification. Eligibility of project expenditures will be determined during the final audit. Public Safety program officials are available, as required, for consultation on eligibility.
3.3.5    P/Ts have the flexibility to apply the total amount of mitigative enhancement expenditures eligible for cost sharing under the DFAA to selected repair or reconstruction projects rather than applying the cost sharing on a site by site basis.
3.3.6    P/Ts may use the 15% mitigation enhancement provision, in full or in part, to top up an Innovative Recovery Solution, if the amount has not already been used under mitigation enhancements.
3.3.7   Appropriate documentation to demonstrate that mitigation enhancements projects were completed must be available for federal audit before any DFAA payment is provided for such projects.


Simplified Guide to help Calculate Infrastructure Costs

The 15% mitigation enhancement value is based on the total infrastructure costs associated with the DFAA event.

Infrastructure repair costs for a DFAA event include the following:

Infrastructure repair costs for a DFAA event do not include:

How to calculate federal cost-sharing UNDER the 15% mitigation provision:





P/T estimate of costs associated with response and recovery:



P/T estimate of costs associated with repair and/or reconstruction of damaged public and private infrastructure:



15% mitigation (maximum amount that will be considered for federal cost-sharing at the time of the final federal audit):
$80,000,000 x 15% = $12,000,000



Cost-shared amount as per the funding formula:
(Assumption: all costs submitted by P/Ts are eligible)

Scenario 1:

  • $100M are 100% eligible response and recovery costs
  • P/T spent $6M on mitigation measures
  • Amount eligible for federal cost-sharing is $106M

Scenario 2:

  • $100M are 100% eligible response and recovery costs
  • P/T spent $12M on mitigation measures
  • Amount eligible for federal cost-sharing is $112M

Scenario 3:

  • $100M are 100% eligible response and recovery costs
  • P/T spent $20M (or more) on mitigation measures
  • Amount eligible for federal cost-sharing is $112M

In Scenario 1: $106M would be entered into the funding calculator to determine the final payment.

In Scenario 2 and 3: $112M would be entered into the funding calculator to determine the final payment.

Up to $ 106,000,000 will be cost-shared

Up to $112,000,000 will be cost-shared

Up to $112,000,000 will be cost-shared


Province or Territory will:

Public Safety Canada will:

Date modified: