Boogaloo Movement in Canada


Several media outlets have reported that the Boogaloo Movement, a pro-gun, anti-government movement started in the US, is gaining ground in Canada. 

Proposed Response:

Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism


Certain Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremist (IMVE) groups and individuals are attempting to leverage the COVID-19 pandemic and recent social unrest to spread disinformation and conspiracy theories, expand recruiting efforts, and advocate violence.

The Boogaloo Movement is an anti-government, pro-gun movement that originated in the United States. The Movement made headlines when its heavily armed supporters attended anti-lockdown and Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations in several US cities. Although there are no reports of Boogaloo members attending Canadian BLM demonstrations, recent reports indicate that there is a growing social media/network presence of Boogaloo supporters in Canada. The growth in Canada is thought to be linked to tightened gun restrictions in Canada following the mass-shooting in Nova Scotia. Further, reports note that certain Canadian Boogaloo-linked social media posts have advocated violence against RCMP officers and BLM protestors.   

The Government of Canada (GoC) has adopted the term “Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism” (IMVE) to more accurately describe threat actors who are motivated by a range of grievances and ideas from across the political and ideological spectrums. This terminology replaces the traditional terminology of “left wing” and “right wing” extremism because IMVE is more accurate in describing the individualized grievances that have motivated IMVE attackers, including in the Canadian context. IMVE is further broken down into four categories:

IMVE is a threat to public safety and constitutes a threat to Canada’s national security pursuant to s. 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. Under s. 6(1) of the Security Offences Act, the RCMP has a mandate to investigate and prevent IMVE-related criminal activity. Where applicable, the RCMP and its law enforcement partners can also lay charges for terrorism offences under the Criminal Code.


Prepared by: Sean McGillis, A/Executive Director Federal Policing Strategic Direction
Approved by: Mike Duheme, Deputy Commissioner Federal Policing

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