Measures to support the Economy and Trade

Classification: Unclassified

Branch/Agency: CTB/CBSA

Proposed Response:


On March 16, 2020, the CBSA issued Customs Notice 20-08 relating to the Imported Goods for Emergency Use in Response to COVID-19. On March 19, 2020, Customs Notice 20-10 was issued to provide a waiver of late accounting penalties for 45 days. Both notices are posted on the CBSA’s external website.

On March 18, 2020, the CBSA held a teleconference with its Border Commercial Consultative Committee (BCCC) to check in on operational integrity issues and provide a forum to share information and communicate about issues of concern. The BCCC consists of customs brokers, representatives of modal conveyances rail, marine, highway, air, courier. In addition, the CBSA is consulting with its industry stakeholder group to capture, and examine possible procedural changes that can be put in place to reduce administrative burden at this time.

CBSA has also established a joint Task Force with US Customs and Border Protection to collaborate on border management/enforcement in the Covid-19 context, and is working with other government departments to assist with providing support to industry (CFIA, PHAC, HC, Agriculture, IRCC,TC, ISED, GAC, NRCan).

The restriction on non-essential travel at the Canada – U.S. border will not impeded trade. Both Canada and the U.S. recognize how closely our economies are integrated, and it is essential that trade continue during this pandemic.  

The order ensures that economic supply chains remain open and we will work to facilitate the continued access to goods and services, uninterrupted. Canadians and Americans cross the border every day to work or study, for example, truck drivers, firefighters and nurses.  All of these people and goods will not be impacted by the new measures. 


Prepared by: Peter Hill, Vice-President, Commercial and Trade Branch, 613-952-2531

Approved by: Peter Hill, Vice-President, Commercial and Trade Branch, 613-952-2531

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